Fuel Storage
Tank Maintenance
Fuel storage tank maintenance is an integral part of any operators functioning as a business. Like with any part of your business, lack of maintenance results in problems that can then cascade issues on to other areas of your business undesirably. Maintaining your tank and it’s contents is essential to minimise potential down-time or repair costs to engines and equipment, all of which cost time and money respectively.
Handy Fuel WA can carry out repairs, servicing and maintenance to all fuel storage tanks and their equipment.
We can:
✓ Service, repair & maintain all tank unloading and dispensing equipment on minor & major storage tanks;
✓ Conduct AS & DG compliance auditing & certification;
✓ Tank venting & breather installation and maintenance;
✓ Install tank level gauging equipment & overfill alarms;
✓ Tank water & contamination testing;
✓ Test for inner tank leakage into interstitial space (tank leakage into bund.);
✓ Restore, paint & apply AS & DG compliant and client company labelling to storage tanks;
✓ Tank & cowling waste removal & cleaning.